Welcome to Ashworth

9 AM Modern Worship
10:15 AM Classic Worship

Latest Messages


As we explore “the real Jesus” behind the many counterfeits we find in society, we are challenged to respond. Listen as Pastor Steve explores Christ’s mission on Earth, influencing how we engage with the people and world around us.

Jesus & the Outcasts

Jesus loved the easiest people to hate, showed respect to the disrespected, and blessed those who could offer nothing in return. He championed the outcasts of society, demonstrating His incredible love and compassion to all who came near and challenging us to do the same.


Jesus was a humble King. In the stories of His miracles, teachings, and way of life, we constantly find Him serving the people around Him. As Pastor Amy explores this unique aspect of Jesus, it challenges us to question what it truly means to be “great.”

Church Blog

Brunch Club

At Ashworth, we believe we’re better together. As we share our faiths and lives with one another, we experience the support and encouragement necessary to live lives of love and grace. If you’d like to connect with others in our church community, sign up for Ashworth’s Brunch Club! We’ll put together groups of 6 to 8 people interested in connecting outside of our regular Sunday morning services. Each group will gather once for a meal at a restaurant or member’s…

To Be Honest

Recorded in numerous places in both the Hebrew section and Christian section of the library we call the Holy Bible are accounts of people who in raw emotion poured out their hearts to God. We read of deep pain, anger, and an anguish of soul expressed to the Almighty with the desperation of nowhere else to turn. Prompted by the death of a loved one, or starvation, or defeat in battle, or persecution and injustice, we see it demonstrated in…

A Word About Help

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Recent events in my life have gotten me thinking about the help that comes our way when needed. It comes from varying directions and sources, ranging from family, friends, medical professionals, inspirational readings and meditations, and more. Some that can go unrecognized are provided from a desk and computer in an insurance claim processing place somewhere. Just because I had a bad gall bladder, a whole…

Location Details

5300 Ashworth Road, West Des Moines, Iowa